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Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile Picture

In part three of my social selling on LinkedIn series, I’d like to break down why it’s so important to optimize your LinkedIn profile picture, and how to go about doing that. If you haven’t read the two previous posts covering social selling on LinkedIn and using LinkedIn as a sales tool you might want to go back and read those first and come back. They lay the groundwork for your social selling strategy and define how you should be thinking about LinkedIn from a top-down perspective.

The next few posts will outline specific changes you should make to your LinkedIn profile in order to use it effectively as a sales tool.

Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile Picture

Why Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile Picture?

If we’re thinking about your LinkedIn profile as your personal website. The website for your personal brand. Then your profile pic is basically your logo. It represents you. I mean, the very first thing that people are looking at in your LinkedIn profile is your photo. Within seven seconds, the subconscious mind is deciding, are you somebody that they can do business with? Are you somebody that’s trustworthy? They’re making assumptions about you based on your photo. A bad photo, or even worse, no photo at all is not doing your brand any favors.

I want you to think about this from the perspective of your potential client, customer, end user, or whatever other fancy words you use to describe your target audience. They’re about to make a complex buying decision. they are looking for a solution to their problem or an answer to their question. They are looking for someone they can trust so they come to LinkedIn. They are looking for help and they find you! Then, as they’re about to decide, should I trust this person to help me or not, there is no photo, how can they trust you? Would you trust you?

You have to optimize your LinkedIn profile picture! It’s the logo for your personal brand and the first thing people look at when they come to your personal branded website, a.k.a your Linkedin profile.

How Do You Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile Picture?

It’s not hard. Just use some common sense. Add a professional photo. Not just any photo, a professional photo. Don’t take a selfie with your cell phone. Don’t use the webcam that came with your computer to take a screenshot of you at your desk at the office. Most importantly, don’t drag a photo off of Facebook from a local bar and think it will work by cropping a head shot.

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Like the beauty below, which was not my finest hour… But is a perfect example of how NOT to optimize your LinkedIn profile picture.

How Not To Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile Picture

Take a moment to optimize your LinkedIn profile picture. Make sure you add a professional photo. Try to find one that is clean and crisp, from the top of the head to the shoulders, and where you’re smiling. People want to feel that they can trust you when they review your profile. Because remember, in only seven seconds the subconscious mind is making a decision whether to do business with you or not.

If you’re not sure how to add a picture to your LinkedIn profile, LinkedIn has a great step by step guide here on how to add, change, and edit the visibility of your LinkedIn profile photo at any time from the introduction card on your profile.

Take the time to optimize your LinkedIn profile picture!

Taking the time to optimize your LinkedIn profile picture is well worth the effort if you’re using LinkedIn as a sales tool! Watch for upcoming posts where I’ll outline more steps you should take to optimize your Linkedin profile and the specific actions you should be taking on a daily basis to implement a solid social selling strategy and really start using LinkedIn effectively!

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