In part eight of my social selling on LinkedIn series, I want to talk about LinkedIn skills and endorsements. Adding a relevant list of skills to your LinkedIn profile will help prospects and potential clients understand your strengths and match you with the right opportunities.
You need at least 5 LinkedIn skills on your profile. Why? According to LinkedIn members with 5 or more skills listed are contacted up to 33x more by recruiters and other LinkedIn members, and receive up to 17x more profile views. So let’s walk through getting those LinkedIn skills added to your profile.
But first! If you haven’t read the seven previous posts in this series covering social selling on LinkedIn, using LinkedIn as a sales tool, optimizing your LinkedIn profile picture, why you should customize your LinkedIn URL, LinkedIn headline tips, LinkedIn summary best practices and LinkedIn recommendations as social proof you should take a few minutes to go back and read those first.
They lay the groundwork for your social selling strategy, how you should be thinking about LinkedIn in general, and some minor (but effective) changes you’ll need to make to your LinkedIn profile that will make you easier to find, and will help optimize your profile for organic search on Google.
LinkedIn Skills as Keywords

The next change I’d like you to make to your LinkedIn profile is under the Skills & Endorsements section. But, I want you to think differently about the skills that you have and the LinkedIn skills that you add. Instead of adding the core skills that you naturally have – cold calling, emailing, sales, business development, lead generation etc.
I want you to think about your LinkedIn skills as keywords that your prospects and potential customers are searching for. Your prospect doesn’t care about cold calling, your prospect doesn’t care about lead generation.
Your prospect will never search for these words. What I want you to do is to make core changes to the Skill section to help you with search engine optimization. But I want you to think about it from the prospect’s perspective.
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Like we did with the summary, I’d like you to do identify ten to fifteen LinkedIn profiles of partners or people that you’ve already worked with, or are hoping to work with, look at the LinkedIn skills and endorsement section that they have. and find the commonality.
What are the core words that are constantly repeating themselves? Use these words, because if you can assume, ten to fifteen people have already used them, then the hundreds of other people that you want to influence, will also be using those core words.
The goal here is to mirror your prospect. By mirroring your prospect you build trust, and resonance. You’re being found based on these core skill words. LinkedIn is going to allow you 50 LinkedIn skills. So maximize this opportunity to help yourself with search engine optimization.
Adding LinkedIn Skills to Your Profile
You can add and remove LinkedIn skills from the Skills & Endorsements section on your profile page. LinkedIn makes this process very easy, as illustrated below:

Watch for upcoming posts where I’ll outline more steps I take, and that you should take to optimize your Linkedin profile and the specific actions you should be taking on a daily basis to implement a solid social selling strategy and really start using LinkedIn effectively!
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